Recently when while listening to a teaching on the Annointing. As strange as that might seem. I was again given a strange picture. The picture was of dead fish in a net with diamonds. The fish that were dead were bleeding black and not red. Then I asked puzzled what all of this meant. A answer can back. Clear and concise. This is a season to live for others and not for yourself. And through this we might be saved through faith and obedience.
I knew this was going to require alot of me. It frightened me.
Sometimes when we sacrafice we do it out of a launch pad. Of doing the right thing and being on the God Train. We pipe down. nothing is going to stop me now. We feel no pain in the pain we walk through adversity and in this we pat ourselves on the shoulder that we have walked the walk.
However other times we are asked to be sacraficial of our time, our finances and our lives and we are burdened by it. Though we know we are being asked the same level of grace is not there. We begin to wonder where we are at and question our relationship with God.
This recently has been the area I have found myself. Not in questioning so much but more in the level of grace not being there. At least not spiritually. In the task put to me I begin to wonder if I am doing the right things or am I spinning my wheels.
As tough as it may all sound. This is the truth of what is happening. Sometimes our battles are fought in the quiet times. Little words are found and little faith is found in ourselves. My babble could not even free me from this knowing of a greater calling and a greater capacity that God is calling me to.
SItting in a christian ditch of sorts I am realizing once again that I am being required of bumping a notch up and that my all is not all enough. God is requiring more of me so that I might be refined. Not perfect but to a level of knowledge that I am not. Humbled and looking for him again. In hearing his voice so strongly again I wonder if my time away has not been Good for me. Away from the clamor of hoofbeats of the army if you will of all. In all of this seeing that God speaks clearly to me but I choose to listen or not.
I am not denying it. My time away and with God and sometimes looking at the circumstance and not God has left me numb. We must be careful that this not happen to us. I am seeing that were I am at is where God has me. I cannot try and make new standards but live within what God has given me so that I might learn and move on.
The key is hearing his voice. Prayer, Reading and talking to God in an intimate way.
I'm Back.
My name is James Bobik I have a 21 year old daughter, 3 Year old Daughter, 18 year old son and a beautiful wife and like everyone else on this green earth have alot going on. read about them.... have fun and remember ...we all need a saviour. feel free to Email Me
The Purpose of This Site
Once this site was just for me. It was a personal blog, journal or diary of my journey with the Lord. However one day reading it I found that this could also be a real testimony to the world. Evangelism is my heart. Jesus is my life. This is my real account of my Christian walk and revelation that I share with you. In all things take them to scripture. I do not claim to be an expert though I study, research and seek the truth daily. My purpose it to stir your heart towards the Heavenly Father so you can pursue your own Journey with the lord through his word and in spirit.
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