
The Purpose of This Site

Once this site was just for me. It was a personal blog, journal or diary of my journey with the Lord. However one day reading it I found that this could also be a real testimony to the world. Evangelism is my heart. Jesus is my life. This is my real account of my Christian walk and revelation that I share with you. In all things take them to scripture. I do not claim to be an expert though I study, research and seek the truth daily. My purpose it to stir your heart towards the Heavenly Father so you can pursue your own Journey with the lord through his word and in spirit.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Like a Child

Recently while fishing with my daughter I caught another revelation that I am posting today. It is on the ideal of Salvation. The Altar call. While fishing I felt God speak to me about him being a God of Now. That in sitting sometimes on our hands after service or in our calling that he does not call us so that we might come later. He calls so that we might come now. He gave me the ideal of a child and how many times very inexperienced and lacking in tribulation we might be. That as children many times that experience does not qualify us for his Kingdom. That as a child inexperienced and unknowing is what Jesus points out as being the most prevalant trait of his children.

For example you might feel that God wants to use you. Yet you cannot read your Bible. Or you cannot pray. Perhaps you do not know Gods ways or you have trouble in worship. Perhaps you even have difficulty just feeling CLose to god. In sitting on your knees you might feel as if your prayers are going into the air. Perhaps you have a desire for God yet all the confusion of this world and their ideals of what or who God is has dishearted you from your journey to see his face. Fear not for God has called the inexperienced in him. The unknowing. The ones that lack knowledge. The ones who are afraid and scared. If that is you God has called you. If you feel as if all your pain is too much for him to work with. Your sin is to great from him to forgive you from. Then you are like a child. As many of us are. Many many times. This is where God wants you. Once you know it all. Then you might as well be God. But some things are kept a mystery for a reason. So that Jesus might be Lord of our lives. Also so that we might remain as children. Reliant and trusting in our Heavenly father in Heaven

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