
The Purpose of This Site

Once this site was just for me. It was a personal blog, journal or diary of my journey with the Lord. However one day reading it I found that this could also be a real testimony to the world. Evangelism is my heart. Jesus is my life. This is my real account of my Christian walk and revelation that I share with you. In all things take them to scripture. I do not claim to be an expert though I study, research and seek the truth daily. My purpose it to stir your heart towards the Heavenly Father so you can pursue your own Journey with the lord through his word and in spirit.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Picture of the Day

This image resonated inside me. Perhaps because of my past. But more so in seeing young punks worship God. I have to say that my self am humbled by seeing this. Account it for what you will. If someone is being saved. If someone indeed is accepting and heartfelt worshiping God with all their Hearts. What a breathtaking thing to see and of course experience. I believe that this time God is calling the "Youth"

The Youth, The strong, the compassionate, the passionate, the versatile, the refined by the flames youth. Enduring in their pains, suffering and falling many times flat on their face. Sky Rocketing themselves through a life that most people have to live for long periods before realizing their fate. These guys and girls have met with the worst and seen the face of evil sometime before even their late 20's. They can either accept it or reject it. But they most definitely have seen it. Given a full spectrum of what the world has to offer. The Youth of this generation have learnt that faith in things can lead you in different directions. Gods Light can show us where not to tread. Even before I was saved I see in 20/20 hindsight where I have been given GREAT! Mercy and Love. Why not the church as well?

In the store fronts, in the alleyways. Waking up from a long sleep from the party before will they see the foggy yet impressionist face of Jesus. Clearly we can all point fingers but are we perfect we might not wear leather jackets, poke metal spikes through our nose or paint our hair. But in truth we have all sinned.

My prayer is for the Youth. This evening. That the youth would find Salvation, vision, path, purpose, value, fervor, grace, mercy, understanding, compassion and retain their originality while keeping clear the understanding of Christ Jesus and his commands to his children and the clear breath in his word. That they might endear to his word and have the fervor and zeal that they had when doing the things of the past as they have in their near future.

The Youth is Found. By Who is the Question. As Parents where have we led them in our actions..Our words...Our decisions. I pray that I might lead my child though she might be colorful, with zeal and originality.

There is no need to create a NEW brand of Christianity. The best Christianity is that of the disciples who followed Jesus. For this was when TRUE Christianity was envisioned and formed. In the Books of Acts we see the Formation of the Idea. That the mere idea it was not but a pattern for the world and the church to follow if they so seeked Salvation.

In all of this our lives must not be compromised by what we think is right or wrong but what the word of God says. Many of us as people make issues where there is none.
If God can move and it does not take our control. Yet he chose, He Calls, Who are we to say they won't be Punks, politicians, Rock Stars, Actors, Murderers, thieves, Dogs of Men and Women turned to Jesus, anyone. Yet at the Gate they may find that some new guard Dogs are in lie waiting to "devour" them. Let's pray it is not the church.

Because if I was the Lord God. The Father in Heaven. I doubt highly I would be too happy with those Guard dogs for keeping out my children in the cold dark world.


Check out the New York Times Article about this picture
Click Here to check out the Article

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